The labour market is undergoing continuous change. For this reason we have specialists with a thorough knowledge of the subject, who can safeguard the interests of the client. Dismissals, redundancy schemes (E.R.E.), claims for payment, situations of insolvency, contract termination, harassment at work, disability, incapacity, retirement and unemployment, etc., are all situations of dispute that fall within our scope of action and require appropriate and meticulous advice.
We provide services for
- Engaging employees
- Preparation of salary slips
- Social Security (TC-1 and TC-2 forms)
- RED System. NOTESS
- Delt@ System
- Contrat@ System
From our offices we can provide you with advice and represent you in court in practically any dispute that might arise:
- Settlements and procedures in court
- Redundancy schemes and termination of employment contracts on objective grounds
- Dismissals
- Claims for payment
- Claims under labour law
- Modification of working conditions
- Advice to companies
- Mobbing
- Work-related accidents
- Retirement and Disability